Let us not leave the Earth to the cockroaches

In a world where the resistance of cockroaches is ironically heralded, humanity stands at a crossroads. These creatures, often despised, have become a symbol of survival in the face of our own destructive tendencies. It’s a stark reminder that our actions have consequences far beyond our immediate perception.

As stewards of this planet, we are tasked with the care of creation, a responsibility that extends to every living being and ecosystem. Yet, our track record tells a different story—one of exploitation and disregard for the delicate balance that sustains life. We’ve contaminated our waters, stripped the soil of its nutrients, and filled the air with CO2, all in the name of progress and convenience. Our relentless consumption of natural resources has set us on a path that seems to lead to desolation, not just for us but for all of creation.

The irony is not lost that cockroaches, creatures that thrive in the wake of human neglect, may inherit a world scarred by atomic and nuclear devastation—a testament to our failure to heed the warnings of our own impact. These insects, capable of withstanding extreme radiation, stand as a metaphor for the resistance required to endure the aftermath of our choices.

As Christians, we are called to reflect on the teachings that implore us to be good stewards of the Earth. When God completed the act of creation, He saw that it was good and entrusted it to our care. This divine mandate was not merely a suggestion but a command to honor and preserve the natural world. Yet, we have strayed far from this path, prioritizing short-term gains over long-term sustainability.

The current state of our planet is a clarion call to return to the principles of stewardship that were laid out at the beginning of time. It is a call to love—not just in words but in actions that demonstrate our respect for God’s creation. Loving God, our neighbor, and the environment are intertwined mandates that cannot be separated. To love one is to love all, and to harm one is to harm all.

Today, we are presented with an opportunity to change course. It is not too late to embrace the role of caretakers and to start making choices that align with the will of the Creator. This means reevaluating our lifestyles, advocating for policies that protect the environment, and investing in sustainable technologies. It means educating ourselves and others about the importance of conservation and the sacredness of the world we inhabit.

In this key moment, let us choose to leave a legacy that honors the Creator and the creation. Let us be the generation that turns the tide, not towards destruction, but towards restoration and harmony. Let the irony of the cockroaches’ survival be a catalyst for our own transformation, inspiring us to build a future where all of creation can thrive. For in doing so, we fulfill our divine calling and honor the perfect work that was entrusted to us. The time to act is now, for the sake of the planet, our fellow creatures, and the generations to come. Let us not leave the Earth to the cockroaches, but rather, let us reclaim it as the vibrant, life-sustaining home it was meant to be.

“The Earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;” (Psalm 24:1). May we live up to this truth.


Rev. David Gaitan

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