Jesus asks the Father for forgiveness for those who do not know what they are doing, not for those who do know

Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing – Luke 23:34
This prayer concerns, among other things, our relationships with others. Sinners, brothers and sisters, religious leaders, and rulers.
For sinners, love and mercy (neither do I condemn you – John 8:11). For brothers and sisters, love and reconciliation (take the plank out of your own eye – Matthew 7:5). For religious leaders, the qualifying or disqualifying exam (consider the outcome of their way of life – Hebrews 13:7). For the governors, the qualifying or disqualifying exam (Go tell that fox – Luke 13:32).
Jesus said his prayer to emphasize that when you choose to do harm from a position of power you would be judged by Jesus. He did not care who misused that power, whether it was religion or the government (politics) at the time he judged it. That is precisely the reason why Jesus says his prayer while he hangs on the cross.
The soldiers cast lots for his clothes, the people shouted for his crucifixion, but they were alienated, they did not know what they were doing. For them, even in the midst of this situation, the Son of Man asked the Father for forgiveness.
For those who did know what they were doing, those who promoted the injustice that was happening, for those who alienated the people and sought their destruction, enriching themselves at their expense and seeking a good position of power even over the suffering of the disadvantaged, the very expression of the cross was their judgment. There is no begging for forgiveness for them.
For generations, the denunciation of Jesus when he was giving his life on the cross will echo, until together we listen to his words and put them into action, then the payment for so much evil is the snatching of power. No longer to destroy and oppress, but to give life and life in abundance.
Ps. David Gaitan