Author: trinityweb

Let me finish my prayer first

I remember when I read these lines for the first time. My soul was filled with an emotion I cannot describe. It was a mix of feelings between sadness, disappointment, and also excitement because of the bravery of Jones and Allen (who was also part of the event), who had to leave the place moved by dignity. According to the completed story, this event began the Black Methodist movement in the United States, which started the African American Methodist Episcopal Church.

Don’t call us, we will call you

I recently came across a trend on social media in which content creators complain about the practice of some companies to use the sentence “don’t call us… We’ll call you,” as a euphemism for “you are not continuing the process,” when a job interview goes bad. 

Are We Spiritually Mature?

For some time now, sadly, spiritual maturity has been associated with important leadership positions in congregations or with great theological knowledge and eloquence by people in the church. This vision, without a doubt, is highly harmful to the proper development of life through the Gospel.


El Bautismo en la Iglesia Metodista Unida: Por la gracia de Dios

Comencemos afirmando que los Sacramentos son la expresión de la Gracia de Dios y su amor incondicional. Por tanto, estos son regalos inmerecidos que Dios da a la humanidad. Los sacramentos se diferencian de las ordenanzas porque los sacramentos son acciones de Dios (dones), pero las ordenanzas son acciones humanas (obediencia). Este aspecto diferencia la comprensión metodista del bautismo de otros grupos cristianos, por ejemplo.


Baptism in the United Methodist Church: Grace from God

Let us start by stating that the Sacraments are the expression of God’s Grace and God’s unconditional love. Therefore, these are undeserved gifts from God to humankind. Sacraments differ from ordinances because Sacraments are God’s actions (gifts), but ordinances are humans’ actions (obedience). This aspect differentiates the Methodist understanding of baptism from other Christian beliefs, for example.

Ready or not, here I come!

Nobody has made it yet! The Apostle Paul was aware of it and his decision was just to forget what was behind, and then, to move forward to the aim, the goal. A very executive decision.