Author: trinityweb

Are We Spiritually Mature?

For some time now, sadly, spiritual maturity has been associated with important leadership positions in congregations or with great theological knowledge and eloquence by people in the church. This vision, without a doubt, is highly harmful to the proper development of life through the Gospel.


El Bautismo en la Iglesia Metodista Unida: Por la gracia de Dios

Comencemos afirmando que los Sacramentos son la expresión de la Gracia de Dios y su amor incondicional. Por tanto, estos son regalos inmerecidos que Dios da a la humanidad. Los sacramentos se diferencian de las ordenanzas porque los sacramentos son acciones de Dios (dones), pero las ordenanzas son acciones humanas (obediencia). Este aspecto diferencia la comprensión metodista del bautismo de otros grupos cristianos, por ejemplo.


Baptism in the United Methodist Church: Grace from God

Let us start by stating that the Sacraments are the expression of God’s Grace and God’s unconditional love. Therefore, these are undeserved gifts from God to humankind. Sacraments differ from ordinances because Sacraments are God’s actions (gifts), but ordinances are humans’ actions (obedience). This aspect differentiates the Methodist understanding of baptism from other Christian beliefs, for example.

Ready or not, here I come!

Nobody has made it yet! The Apostle Paul was aware of it and his decision was just to forget what was behind, and then, to move forward to the aim, the goal. A very executive decision.

Merry Christmas

Escándalo: El Dios que se hizo humano

Sin duda alguna, uno de los nombres más hermosos de Jesús es ‘Emanuel’, Dios con nosotros. No dejo de maravillarme al poder acercarme a comprender lo escandaloso de un Dios, quien no nos pidió ‘divinizarnos’, pues reconoció nuestra incapacidad de ello; sino que más bien se hizo humano.

Merry Christmas

Scandal: The God who became human

Without any doubt, one of the most beautiful names of Jesus is ‘Immanuel’, God with us. I never cease to marvel at being able to come closer to understanding the scandalous nature of a God, who did not ask us to ‘divinize’ ourselves, because recognized our inability to do so; but rather, the Divine became human. That same God taught us in his life that the broad path is hatred and that excellence is in love.