Tagged: Peace

Peacemaking in a Polarized World

In today’s world, it feels like we’re constantly being pulled in different directions. Tensions rise, disagreements escalate, and it becomes easy to forget that, as followers of Christ, we are called to something greater: to be peacemakers.

Making a Difference: Small Actions, Big Impact

In a world where it sometimes feels like we are powerless to create change, it is important to remember that there is always an opportunity to serve, to love, to resist injustice, and to make a difference. Every day, we have the chance to bring goodness into the lives of others, whether in big ways or small ones. This message echoes the prayer we shared last Sunday—a call for our leaders to make decisions that reflect God’s commandments of life, justice, and peace. But we also prayed for ourselves, that we would be people who work together to end violence and to build a world that is safe and just for all.

Image Silent Night / Advent

Silent Night / Noche de Paz

As we are getting into the Advent season, we can take this opportunity to reflect on the meanings of a God who decides to become as a human being and embody the Word (John 1). Perhaps, we can read that Word incarnate through the life that was lived by Jesus, the carpenter of Galilee.