Tagged: christianity

Peacemaking in a Polarized World

In today’s world, it feels like we’re constantly being pulled in different directions. Tensions rise, disagreements escalate, and it becomes easy to forget that, as followers of Christ, we are called to something greater: to be peacemakers.

Trinity as an important resource for guidance, hope, and unity

On January 2nd, 2025, I had the distinct honor of participating in the Reorganization Meeting of our Township, Ewing. This was a moment of profound significance, as I was invited to offer both the invocation and the benediction during the gathering....


Emmanuel: God With Us in Vulnerability and Strength

One of the most beautiful truths of Christmas is the image of the incarnation—God choosing to dwell among us, not waiting for us to become godlike or perfect, but meeting us exactly where we are. We are imperfect, we stumble, and we can never reach the heights of God. Yet in divine humility and boundless love, God came to us, “God with us,” Emmanuel.

Giving Thanks in Hard Times

In our current world, filled with wars, natural disasters, and oppression, it can feel almost impossible to pause and give thanks. How can we find gratitude amid so much uncertainty and pain? Jonah 4:6-10 offers a profound lesson on this very question, showing us that even in the fleeting moments of life’s blessings, there is a call to recognize the hand of God and remain steadfast in doing God’s work.

Making a Difference: Small Actions, Big Impact

In a world where it sometimes feels like we are powerless to create change, it is important to remember that there is always an opportunity to serve, to love, to resist injustice, and to make a difference. Every day, we have the chance to bring goodness into the lives of others, whether in big ways or small ones. This message echoes the prayer we shared last Sunday—a call for our leaders to make decisions that reflect God’s commandments of life, justice, and peace. But we also prayed for ourselves, that we would be people who work together to end violence and to build a world that is safe and just for all.

What a Weekend at Trinity!!

The las weekend of Septembre 2024 at Trinity United Methodist Church in Ewing, NJ was nothing short of extraordinary! We came together for two monumental events that not only marked a milestone in the life of our church but filled us with joy, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Francisco Vera Manzanares visiting Trinity

God is creating something deep in the midst of us. That is why, on Sunday, September 29th, 2024, we will have the special opportunity to welcome Francisco Vera to our morning worship service at Trinity UMC. Francisco is a young Christian and ecological activist with an inspiring story to tell. He’s been making waves around the world as UNICEF’s First Climate Action Advocate and as a Children’s Advisor to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. His work is not only vital for the future of our planet, but it also carries a deep spiritual message of stewardship, faith, and responsibility that resonates with our Christian values.

A new leadership

In the passage of John 6:24-35, we find a story that is rich in meaning and open to many interpretations. It is a pericope, a self-contained story, that can be understood in different ways depending on the perspective we bring to it. One of the most fascinating aspects of Jesus’ teachings is how he used stories and metaphors to convey deeper values and principles. Through these narratives, he invited people to think beyond the immediate and the obvious, to consider the more profound needs of the human spirit.


In the Gospel of John, chapter 6, verses 1-21, we encounter two remarkable events: the feeding of the five thousand and Jesus walking on water. These stories are often seen as miraculous demonstrations of Jesus’ divine power. However, if we look closer, there is an even deeper miracle hidden within these narratives—the miracle behind the miracle, a testament to the power of generosity and joy.

Keeping promises…

In Mark 6:14-29, the author tells a story about a powerful king, who decides to keep a promise, even against his will. We often read the story from the perspective of John the Baptist, the prophet who was killed. But what if we shift our focus to King Herod’s family dynamics?

Prophets without honor

In Mark 6:1-13, Jesus says, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” This statement is not a rule, but a description of reality. It reflects the difficulty a prophet...

Embracing Change: Relevance for New Generations

During the 2024 Annual Conference of the Greater New Jersey, held at the Wildwood Convention Center from May 19 to 21, clergy, laity, and leaders gathered to discuss the future of the church. One of the central themes was how to remain relevant and appealing to younger generations. The statistics are clear: the average age of clergy within the UMC is 57 years old, and the laity follows a similar trend. As we look toward the future, it’s essential to recognize that younger generations have different expectations, preferences, and needs.

Let us not leave the Earth to the cockroaches

In a world where the resistance of cockroaches is ironically heralded, humanity stands at a crossroads. These creatures, often despised, have become a symbol of survival in the face of our own destructive tendencies. It’s a stark reminder that our actions have consequences far beyond our immediate perception.

Lunch Boxes and Love: Trinity UMC’s Campus Connection

On this past Monday and Tuesday, May 6th and 7th, something truly heartwarming took place with our beloved Trinity United Methodist Church. Over those two days, our congregation banded together in a beautiful act of community service, distributing a total of 80 lunch boxes to the hardworking students of The College of New Jersey. It was a gesture that spoke volumes about the compassion and generosity that defines our church family.