Local Pastor | David Gaitan has been a pastor, journalist, writer, published author, radio and television producer, blogger, and international consultant on communication, social networks, leadership, and Latin American ecclesiological- theological, and social issues. He has also worked on management of graphic design and social media, web development and administration, formulation of evaluative processes, and analysis and development of continuous improvement programs.
Ps. Gaitan has published more than 50 theological reflections and journalist articles in Spanish on different blogs on the internet (www.davidgaitan.com/ www.casadealmendro.wordpress.com ). Besides, he has been invited to participate in some virtual magazines such as “Lupa Protestante”, “Teo Under”, “Teo Cotidiana”, and “Locademia de Teología”, spaces specialized in theological sharing, as a columnist. He is a published author of the book “Inmersión”, which is an approach to Contextual Latin American Theology.
He was born in the middle of an Evangelical-Pentecostal environment in Bogotá, Colombia. There, he became a youth leader, a young lay pastor,and then as pastor. He has served God for many years, preaching, worshiping, teaching the Scriptures, and advising people on counseling.
Ps. David has published approaches to Reformed Theology, Latin American Theology of Liberation, Contextual Theology, and other Liberationist Theologies. Those approaches of the Bible and Christianity have helped him to develop his ministry for years. “My place in this world is serving God through serving people,” he says.
After years being part of the Evangelical-Pentecostal Church , he became a member of the Belmont-Watertown United Methodist Church in MA, a place where he was able to serve in a particular way, creating educational and multicultural spaces for people in the United States and Latin America. Once he started his studies at Drew Theological School, he transferred his membership to Chatham UMC in New Jersey. In that place, he served as the Simpson Seminarian, working as Youth Minister and developing Hispanic/Latino ministries. Pastor Gaitan finished his MDiv program at Drew in 2023. Then, he was appointed by Bishop John Schol to Trinity UMC in Ewing, NJ.
David Gaitan is the father of Laura Camila, an eight-years-old girl.

Music Director | Nancy is a native of Iowa who began piano studies at age 7, organ at age 12 and has always sung in various choirs. She continued studies in organ and church music while in college and expanded her education in post-college seminars and summer courses. She has served as organist/choir director (and occasional bell choir director) in a variety of churches and believes that sharing the gift of music brings people together and helps create a greater sense of community.