Ready or not, here I come!

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14

Nobody has made it yet! The Apostle Paul was aware of it and his decision was just to forget what was behind, and then, to move forward to the aim, the goal. A very executive decision.

I do not know what exactly was happening in the Apostle’s mind when he wrote these lines, but what I can see here is that there was no time. Paul was in jail and, at that point, things must be done if they wanted to keep announcing the good news to the world and be successful.

There is still no time. A new year is coming, and it feels like it was yesterday when we were celebrating the arrival of 2023. Ready or not, here 2024 comes!

Nevertheless, I would say that 2023 was not exactly an easy year, but here we go! You have done a great job. Thank you. Now, we have to strain toward what is ahead and accomplish all the things we need to in order to grow up. Growing up is not easy, but it is required. Our society needs a church which is mature, supportive, and big enough to have room for everyone.

It is time to leave the past behind and walk into the new season and this is a great opportunity that 2024 brings us. Let us celebrate the accomplishments and learn from the difficulties of the last year, and start again for the glory of God. 

¡Happy New Year!



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