Jesus saved us from death

One of the broadest theological consensus is the meaning of the word that was translated in the Bible into English as ‘death’. It is about the Greek word ‘apoginomai’, which means; ‘to be separated from…’, ‘away from…’
The apostle Paul, in his epistle to Romans in chapter 6, verse 23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” It is interesting that the author points out the consequences of sin as the absence of the gift of life. When we are separate or away from God and other people, we are not alive, we are dead.
Sin is the behavior that takes us away from those who we love and its consequence is the feeling of being dead in life.
In this context, Jesus saves us from death when Jesus comes to reconcile us with the Father (John 14:6) and shows us God’s image in ways that had not even been considered before. For example, the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11) is undoubtedly a wonderful story that reflects the character of the Divine as Father. This image was not known before, and it goes against the concept that people used to have of God.
Likewise, when Jesus saves us from separation from God, he reconciles us with others through love, peace, mercy, grace, and hope. This then brings us life in abundance. Yes, the Divine wants us to live God’s life, not to be “dead in life.”
If the consequence of sin is death, then salvation is reconciliation!
Ps. David Gaitan