It is time to turn back to Jesus

If you cannot remember the 22 characteristics of a good husband or wife, the 10 things you have to do to overcome temptation, or the 4 types of love in Greek; it is time to turn back to Jesus.
When you hear the testimonies of others who prayed all night, fasted for 40 days, evangelized and won thousands of people to Christ, healed the sick, memorized the entire Bible, and you feel pressured to get to their level, it is time to turn back to Jesus.
If you cannot decide if you should sit at God’s feet, live by faith, fight the good fight, or patiently run the race ahead, it is time to turn back to Jesus.
When they exhort you to live by faith, strive and be courageous, give your goods, preach to every creature, make disciples, wait on God, fight the good fight, walk in the spirit, take up your cross, give thanks for everything and pray without ceasing, and you feel ‘pulled’ in 20 different directions; it is time to return back to Jesus.
If you cannot agree if you are a Calvinist or Arminian, Premillennialist, Amillennialist, Fundamentalist or Evangelical, it is time to turn back to Jesus.
If you are not sure if you should evangelize with the four spiritual laws, the steps to have peace with God, the plan of Salvation, or the way of the Romans, then it is time to turn back to Jesus.
If you are a Protestant but you do not remember what you are protesting against, if you are a Conservative but you are not sure what you are conserving, if you are a Dispensationalist but do not know what dispensation we are in; it is time to turn back to Jesus.
When you do not remember what 666 means, how many teeth the antichrist has, what the mark of the beast consists of, and what are the last events that signal the arrival of the end, it is time to turn back to Jesus.
When they tell you how you have to worship, how you have to dress, where you have to go, where you do not have to go, how much you have to give, what music you have to listen to, who you have to hang out with; it is time to turn back to Jesus.
– Reflection by Jurgen Schulz
Ps. David Gaitan