Author: trinityweb

La oración que no cambia las circunstancias

Muchas lineas se han dedicado para hablar de la oración. Casi que cada disidencia del cristianismo tiene una postura diferente sobre el poder de esta o su aplicabilidad. Incluso, muchos debates se suscitan en diferentes medios, llegando a desembocar en acaloradas discusiones sobre la pertinencia de orar de una u otra manera de acuerdo al mandato bíblico.

When prayers do not change circumstances

Many words have been dedicated to understanding matters around prayer. Almost every current of Christianity has a different position on its power or its applicability. Many debates even arise in different media, leading to heated discussions about the relevance of praying in one way or another according to the biblical mandate or personal and community experiences.

La asquerosa cara de la guerra

En la guerra no hay ganadores, todos somos perdedores. Es el pueblo el que pone las víctimas, las muertes, las lágrimas, el hambre, la desesperanza, el dolor. La guerra ha sido narrada en tintas de diferentes colores, muchos de ellos. Se...

You won’t be the winner. Me neither

In war there are no winners, we are all losers. Oppressed people are those who bring, from their midst, the war victims, the deaths, the tears, the hunger, the hopelessness, the pain. War has been narrated in inks of different colors,...

Why a dove?

It is curious (to say the least) that, according to the gospels and in the context of the baptism of Jesus of Nazareth, the Divine manifests the Holy Spirit by flying like a dove. Having any animal symbol or metaphor available, God chooses that one.

¿Por qué una paloma?

Es curioso (cuanto menos eso) que, según los evangelios y en el marco del bautismo de Jesús de Nazaret, el Espíritu Santo se manifieste volando como una paloma. Teniendo a su disposición cualquier símbolo o metáfora animal, escoge ese.

“They wanted to bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds!”

This Mexican proverb by Ernesto Cardenal1 represents the relationship between the current situation on our planet Earth and some activists around the world who are advocating in favor of the preservation of the environment in the face of climate change issue and the organized movement to resist it. The beauty of the metaphor lies in the image of a seed, representing life, directly related to the dust, the ground, the soil, and the mother.

Allow yourself to be human, even in sadness

For a few decades now, many believers have been taught that we should not experience sadness, anger, suffering, anguish, etc. Everything from the cliché, ‘you are a victorious child of God, therefore, you must not live in defeat’.

Permítete ser humano, incluso en la tristeza

Desde hace algunas décadas hasta hoy, a muchos creyentes se nos ha enseñado que no debemos experimentar tristeza, enojo, sufrimiento, angustia, etc. Todo desde el cliché, ‘usted es un victorioso hermano y los hijos de Dios no deben vivir en derrota’.